Development > Feature Requests

Optionally display message bodies (or article summaries) in Article Block


I think this is worth considering as a feature because this simple extension to sp_articles really would take PortalPages to the next level.
Using this feature, you can display article content in an article block on a portal page.
This means you can have a "sub-portal" page for the social committee.
A moderator from the social committee can decide which posts should become articles in the "social committee" category. And actual text from these articles will be displayed on the social committee's page.  All without involving the site admin!
Here's how it can be done:
The truncation option and disabling of certain BBC tags may need to be revisited.
Of course, I would really prefer if the content providers and/or the mods could provide article summaries that they could then dispaly in this block. This is why I have also proposed Article Summaries
I'm really looking forward to combining 4 features:
* Optionally display message bodies (or summaries) in Article Block
* Selectable Categories for Article blocks
* Article Summaries
* Allow custom reordering of articles -- already accepted as a feature in 2.4!

THIS is exactly what I am looking for.  Did this ever happen?

Not so far!  If I were more clever, I would have written a mod to do this by now!

Hopefully we'll consider this for the new articles module.

This is still an excellent idea, I have a page with an article block and would love to be able to display contents of the topics linked in via articles.


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