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Petite erreur de traduction - Small translation mistake - SP2.3.5 french


Petite erreur de traduction - Small translation mistake. 

Pack Traduction Française SimplePortal 2.3.5 (French Translation 2.3.5)  [ French translation 2.3.5 ]

SPortal.french.php  -  SPortal.french-utf8.php

$txt['sp_calendar_holidays'] = 'Vacances';  => la bonne traduction => $txt['sp_calendar_holidays'] = 'Fêtes';

Explication avec exemple

Sens de "holidays" (dans ce cas)

Non pas : "holidays" => "Vacances de Noël"

Mais : "holidays" => Fête de la Saint Patrick

J'espère être clair  ;)

$txt['sp_calendar_holidays'] = 'Vacances';  => the good translation => $txt['sp_calendar_holidays'] = 'Fêtes';

Explanation with exemple

Meaning of "holidays" (in this case)

Not : "holidays" => "Christmas Holidays"

But : "holidays" => Saint Patrick's Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick

I hope to be clear   ;)

This is clear, I think.  In the US, "vacation" and "holiday" are two very different words, as well.

In England, "holidays" is used to describe vacation time (such as a summer break). Perhaps this is where the confusion arose.

I will let our language coordinator know about this.


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