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Problème dans / Problem in : "PortalBlocks.php" - function sp_gallery



Il y a un problème dans "PortalBlocks.php" / function sp_gallery.

Impossible d'afficher une photo depuis "AevaMedia".

Voici le morceau code (Erreur en gras) : |   Hello,
|   There is a problem in "PortalBlocks.php / function sp_gallery."
|   Unable to display a photo from "AevaMedia."
|   Here is the code fragment (error in bold):

--- Quote ---      if ($mod == 'aeva_media')
         echo '
                                    <a href="', $galurl, 'sa=item;id=', $item['id'], '">', $item['title'], '</a><br />
                                    <a href="', $galurl, 'sa=item;id=', $item['id'], '"><img src="', $galurl, 'sa=media;id=', $item['id'], ';thumb" alt="" /></a><br />
                                    ', $txt['aeva_views'], ': ', $item['views'], '<br />
                                    ', $txt['aeva_posted_by'], ': <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $item['poster_id'], '">', $item['poster_name'], '</a><br />
                                    ', $txt['aeva_in_album'], ': <a href="', $galurl, 'sa=album;id=', $item['id_album'], '">', $item['album_name'], '</a>', $item['is_new'] ?
                                    '<br /><img alt="" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/new.gif" border="0" />' : '';

--- End quote ---

Remplacer id par in

Voici la version corrigée, fonctionnelle|   Replace id by in
|   Here is the corrected version, functional:


--- Quote ---      if ($mod == 'aeva_media')
         echo '
                                    <a href="', $galurl, 'sa=item;in=', $item['id'], '">', $item['title'], '</a><br />
                                    <a href="', $galurl, 'sa=item;in=', $item['id'], '"><img src="', $galurl, 'sa=media;in=', $item['id'], ';thumb" alt="" /></a><br />
                                    ', $txt['aeva_views'], ': ', $item['views'], '<br />
                                    ', $txt['aeva_posted_by'], ': <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $item['poster_id'], '">', $item['poster_name'], '</a><br />
                                    ', $txt['aeva_in_album'], ': <a href="', $galurl, 'sa=album;in=', $item['id_album'], '">', $item['album_name'], '</a>', $item['is_new'] ?
                                    '<br /><img alt="" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/new.gif" border="0" />' : '';

--- End quote ---

Salutations | Regards,


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