Development > Bugs

Possible bug with member group permissions and SP blocks

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I don't see how this is a SimePortal bug. It's the fault of SMF for re-using the IDs for member groups and I can't think of any good reason why you would ever want to do that. You can't expect every mod out there to make sure this behavior isn't messing things up, especially when you don't even provide any useful hooks for member group related functions in SMF 2.0.

♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦:
Because they are using a smallint or something and they assume people will create tens of thousands of groups in their forums :P Btw, have a look at the tracker when you have time, please.

I said over there that the way SMF handled IDs wasn’t uniform... but all they say is it was 'by design'.

--- Quote ---They need to learn over there, that the Project Manager needs to keep his mouth shut on stuff he knows squat about.
--- End quote ---

I just had another run in with a not so Kindred spirit over there. The comments he makes just fans the flames.
Said there were dozens of responsive themes but later said that was a little exaggerated. More like 10 times exaggerated.

Burke Knight:
Don't get me started about Kindred and his lack of Project Manager skills.
Seems he's only that, due to his own "donations" to the SMF project and organization.
He sure is not PM due to his knowledge of SMF. XD

Thank you for the post....I think I’d like to speak but I’am gonna do some more reading first.....I have to say that idea looks intriguing....


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