SimplePortal > Site Discussion

No emails from the forum at all

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Chen Zhen:

♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦,

  Ok I have adjusted a permission setting for regular members and allowed notifications for myself on this topic.
Can you reply to this post to test it please?  Thank you.


♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦:
Replied, yet I still got nothing in my inbox, FYI. ;)

Chen Zhen:
♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦,

  It appears to be working correctly for me whereas I can not duplicate your issue. After setting notifications for this topic I received an email with your last reply. My user settings are the same as yours for receiving notifications.

  I do not use yahoo for email, are you absolutely sure you checked all incoming email messages (ie. spam, junk, etc.)? Is it possible that you somehow flagged SP's emails as spam in the past where it is ignoring any newer ones from it?


Burke Knight:
Well he seems to now be unable to reactivate his account.
He does not get the emails, so he's in effect, locked out of here.

Could you please activate his account for him, Chen?

Chen Zhen:
♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦,

  Account has been activated after the email change. Imo try something other than yahoo such as gmail to see if that works.



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