Support > English Support

Where is the code for these elements, where are they stored?

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Thanks, fellas, that worked.

Whilst we're at it, do you know where the code for the following elements are stored?

* 'Recent Contributions' simple portal block code, I'd like to nofollow the 'By {Username}' links
* Board index 'Last post by {Username}' links? This isn't related to simple portal, but I'm hoping you know at the top of your head!


--- Quote from: danmsmith018f on December 29, 2018, 08:07:06 AM ---Thanks, fellas, that worked.

Whilst we're at it, do you know where the code for the following elements are stored?

* 'Recent Contributions' simple portal block code, I'd like to nofollow the 'By {Username}' links
* Board index 'Last post by {Username}' links? This isn't related to simple portal, but I'm hoping you know at the top of your head!
--- End quote ---

Still looking for the above if anyone knows?  :nervous-happy:

Chen Zhen:
re.  hxxps:// is for supporting Simple Portal specifically and not really for helping with edits to SMF files.
Also both forums do not provide support to those that remove copyright links.
You can remove copyright links but official software support stops when you do so.

Here are the support guidelines that were written years ago:

Furthermore all your questions are about removing or changing links.
If you really are so inclined to change or remove all links on your forum, including copyrights from all mods & the forum itself then I suggest you learn to do these edits yourself.


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