Customization > Blocks and Modifications

Youtube Block - 1.0

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Youtube Block
This block allows you to show a Youtube video within a block. I couldn't find an existing block that does this, so I decided to create one myself. The current version is 1.0 and I hope to release v1.1 soon.

Installing is very simple. Just create a new PHP code block and use this code:

--- Code: ---/**
 * Youtube Block
 * Written for: Simple Portal
 * Written by: Dr. Deejay
 * Compatible with: Simple Portal 2.3
 * Version: 1.0
 * When using this block, you agree that you will,
 * not redistribute this block, with or without any
 * changes. This code may not be used as a base for
 * another software and should not be used for illegal
 * purposes.

$youtube = array();

 * Settings
// The id of the video
$youtube['id'] = 't5AqJww06bw';

// Text to show below the video. Leave empty to disable
$youtube['label'] = 'My video';

// The size of the Youtube block. 1 is the smallest, 3 is the biggest
$youtube['size'] = 1;

 * The Youtube video display block
if(!function_exists('sp_youtube')) {

* The function doesn't exist yet. Create it.
function sp_youtube($vid = '', $label = '', $size = '')
// Don't allow html stuff
$vid = htmlspecialchars($vid);

// Check if it is empty. If it is, it's invalid
echo '
<div class="smalltext">Video not found.</div>';

// Let's see what we can do.
else {

// Echo the thing.
echo '
<div class="centertext">
<iframe ' . $size . ' src="' . $vid . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';

// Show a label?
echo '
<br /><div class="smalltext">' . $label . '</div>';

echo '

// Generate the height and width
if($youtube['size'] == 1)
$vidsize = 'width="150" height="100"';
elseif($youtube['size'] == 2)
$vidsize = 'width="300" height="200"';
elseif($youtube['size'] == 3)
$vidsize = 'width="1280" height="720"';
$vidsize = 'width="150" height="100"';

// Call the function
sp_youtube($youtube['id'], $youtube['label'], $vidsize);
--- End code ---

Dr. Deejay

Thanks you very much dr. deejay, I wish i had waited for this lol :P.

You're welcome, glad you like it :)

Brilliantly done.

Works so seamlessly.

Thanks :)


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