Support > International Support

Traduzione italiana - italian translation 2.0.5 -> 2.3.1

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there is a standard way to translate simple portal?
Se non ho capito male in italiano la nuova versione non è stata tradotta e da mesi non cambia niente, posso provarci io, ora devo finire di laurearmi, ma tra un mese ho tutto il tempo che mi serve. C'è un modo per correggere eventuali errori?

Yes there is. Although we seem to be missing a public sticky that explains it. We'll put one up soon.

Basicaly, if you want to become an official translator then please send me a PM, or respond to this post.

To translate SimplePortal, you need to translate the files in the 'languages' directory of the SimplePortal package into the relevant language. The format of the language strings within those files is like this:

--- Code: ---$txt['var'] = 'Translate Me';
--- End code ---

You only need to translate the 'Translate Me' part or the text string part for each language string.


I'm a new italian user and as I had seen there's no Italian translation yet.

I used to install SMF with MKPortal some time ago, then I've found and, are my new best choice as portal based on SMF ;)

I'm translating all the files took by the standard english package.

When will it be done what will I do? Contact one of the admins? Simply attach it to this topic or...?

Just let me know ;)

Kind Regards  8)

For the moment you can attach any Italian translation here. I generally monitor this board for new translations and check/approve them as I am able to do.

Thank you for your interest in translating SimplePortal. :)


Anch'io utilizzavo MKPortal con SMF (1.1.x) ed ora sono passato a SMF 2.0RC2 e SimplePortal 2.3.1!  :)

Sto traducendo alcuni mod per SMF e poi pensavo di passare alla traduzione di SP... ma se la fai tu va bene, anzi, benissimo!

Spero di finire di tradurre SMF Articles in 2 o 3 giorni e poi, se ti servisse una mano...




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