
Support => Install and Upgrade => Topic started by: Rasim on August 24, 2009, 03:41:45 PM

Title: How do I use SimplePortal as a main site in lieu of a CMS
Post by: Rasim on August 24, 2009, 03:41:45 PM
I like Simple Portals.  I had it installed with my forums, and was using Joomla as my CMS.  I'm not Joomla savvy at all.  SimplePortals does what I need.  I would like to install it as the main page.  How do I do that?
Title: Re: How do I use SimplePortal as a main site in lieu of a CMS
Post by: Nathaniel on August 24, 2009, 05:29:19 PM
By default, SimplePortal will use the 'Front Page' option for the 'Portal Mode' setting (found in the admin panel under SimplePortal -> Configuration -> General Settings). That will show the portal at your old forum address (eg '') and show the forum separately using the 'action' variable (eg '').

You can also put your portal in a different directory if you want to. That uses the 'Standalone' mode.
Title: Re: How do I use SimplePortal as a main site in lieu of a CMS
Post by: Rasim on August 26, 2009, 02:14:17 PM
Tried to install in a directory, seperate from the smf folder, but get an error message

Error: Cannot install - please verify you put this in the same place as SMF's index.php.
Title: Re: How do I use SimplePortal as a main site in lieu of a CMS
Post by: Eliana Tamerin on August 26, 2009, 02:54:47 PM
Put the standalone.php in another folder (rename as you prefer), but you'll have to put the appropriate url in your General Settings in the SP Admin area.
Title: Re: How do I use SimplePortal as a main site in lieu of a CMS
Post by: Rasim on September 02, 2009, 07:46:21 PM
Thanks.  Still couldn't get it to work.  I am now trying with 2.3.  I have installed 2.3 in the forum package, copied the standalone.php to the main folder, and changed the settings.  Still didn't work.  So I also extracted the SP 2.3 files into the main folder, to no avail.  I am pretty certain that I am doing something wrong. Can someone make this simle for me?
Title: Re: How do I use SimplePortal as a main site in lieu of a CMS
Post by: Nathaniel on September 03, 2009, 01:59:59 AM
So, you have followed these steps?
1) Install SMF (
2) Install SimplePortal via the SMF package manager.
3) Move the 'PortalStandalone.php' from your forum directory to your main web directory and rename to 'index.php'.
4) Edit your 'PortalStandalone.php' file, making sure that the SSI.php include is including the correct file ({forum directory}/SSI.php).
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