Support > Install and Upgrade

Where and how do I parse out the latest package?


I cannot uninstall SP 2.3.5 so I can update to 2.3.6 because I made code changes to in 2.3.5. The automatic uninstall won't work.  I still want to upgrade to 2.3.6

Is there a way of doing this manually? As I remember there was a PARSE feature. Does that still exist? Where can I find it?

♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦: parse whatever you want from there :) also... If you have made some useful code changes you could share them ;)

Thank You, very helpful. 

I made all the changes a year ago and I failed to document what I did.  Since I failed to wear my earplugs every night my knowledge rolled out of my ear whilst sleeping.

♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦:
Ahahahahah well hope you can apply all the edits ;) If you can, feel free to mark the topic as solved :)


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