Customization > Mod Requests

Shoutbox message box scrollable buffer requested


Hi, my PHP sucks but i would make good use out of a scrollable command history for my prominent shoutbox.\

I did some research on the HTML side put the buffers were for POST operations, IIRC.

I'm hoping it is easy or if someone could just point me in the right direction, perhaps ?

Chen Zhen:

What exactly are you requesting to show a scroll bar?

just what i have typed in because keep messing up my comments, then i have to delete them and then it's gone but yes, i could go to the Moderation details but all the BBCode markup is then lost anyway

Chen Zhen:

It sounds like you want the ability to edit shouts?
I developed a plugin for that a while back:;area=stable_simple_portal_plugins;file=25

I already have the ability to both delete and edit thanks to your recent mods.

this thread came about because sometimes i would spend a fait bit of timing marking up my shout (with colors, fonts, sizes etc.) and then noticed some error after posting it.

there is no way to see the markup in EDIT so that's why i wondered if i could implement a scrollable buffer of the raw shout, BBCode and all.


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