Customization > Mod Requests

To be able to choose if a block is displayed only for mobile

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Hi all, I hope some body can hel me.

Is there any posibility to choose if a block is displayed only for mobile or desktop? I know I saw that in some other portal, I don't remember sorry, but I believe it is a very good functionality.
Some body can tell me if there is any mod for this?

Thanks in advanced.


♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦:
Hello, have a look at this: :)

Thanks so much for your quick answer. I will try to implement that but probably I will back to you because I am not an expert, sorry :(

I knew I would have to back :(.
I don't know how to put the code:

--- Code: ---#sp_block_ID
{ display: none;}
@media only screen and (max-width: 750px), only screen and (min-resolution: 300dpi) {

#sp_block_X {
css properties here;

--- End code ---
I suppose is in default/css/portal.css but how I know the ID of the block? what I have to put in css properties?

Can anybody help me on how use that code exactly?


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