Development > Feature Requests

members have the choice!!

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Ajax could be done and would be nice, just would be fairly hard to do well. ;)

1) If you just want to swap the order so that it works like below, then I can probably post a few template edits that can do that.
<--------               Top               ------->
<- Left ->  (Center area) <- Right ->
<-----               Bottom              ----->

The center area is where the normal forum content goes, or the SP articles.

2) Not entirely sure what you are requesting. You can already choose to show certain blocks only on the portal, with that feature you can effectively do what you want anyway, by adding top or bottom blocks, that only show on the portal.

thanks nathaniel, the 2nd request was a multipl one:

a. to seperate the front page from the side blocks... so that you customize the front page and side blocks easily.... it will be easier if side blocks have a page (in the admin center), and the front page has its own page

b. to view the portal in the admin center as a table, something like the one attached above....

c. storing blocks and using them later

d. drag and drop

i know, all of that is already available, but this is more flexible, i guess

another idea:
3. bbc blocks having the bbc buttons and a wysiwyg system

thank you very much

2) Okay, so essentially you are suggesting ways that the admin area could be made visually easier for admin to customize their blocks. Those things could be hard to implement, but they would be quite nice for admin.

As with all these good suggestions, they would be nice to have, but probably not the most urgent features to add.

3) That is already on the list of features to add:

thanks a lot :D


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