Development > Fixed or Bogus Bugs

Tiny Menu Bug

(1/2) > >>

Default theme (modified).

The top menu... when you click HOME or when you drop in to the site the HOME button is "lit up" orange.  When you click FORUM the FORUM button lights up (orange)... but when I click in to a category the "HOME" button re-lights up rather than staying on the "FORUM" button.

How can I rectify that behavior?


...and suggestions on where to look? Thanks!

Seeing it might help .... it is probably your theme but could be related to changes made to the home link. I dont know much about this though.

Default theme.   I don't think I've done anything RE: the home button specifically but I did remove the HELP button from the main menu and I also have added a number of items (arcade, quiz, etc)...

Basically the way it behaves is:

HOME it remains orange...

Click forum and FORUM turns orange and HOME turns to unlit.

Click any of the forum categories and it drops back to HOME as lit when it is supposed to stay at FORUM (as it is above on this forum... FORUM is lit right now... on mine,  it would have HOME lit).

The site is a private site,  but if you think it would help I could set you up an account.



Confirmed, the collapse action has "home" highlighted as opposed to "forum". It's a bug, here's the fix:

Open ./Sources/Subs.php


--- Code: ---in_array($context['current_action'], array('unread', 'unreadreplies', 'recent', 'stats', 'who'))
--- End code ---

Replace with:

--- Code: ---in_array($context['current_action'], array('collapse', 'unread', 'unreadreplies', 'recent', 'stats', 'who'))
--- End code ---


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