Development > Declined Requests

jQuery Content Slider

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Greetings Simple Portal fans and devs.  I'm a freelance web designer that enjoys using SMF+TP for my forums, but find the 'front' page presentation lacking some present day features.

One of them being a content slider block in jQuery.  It would be nice to have a feature that converts the front page into more of a blog or ezine to highlight content in the forums.  Would be awesome to see what the community comes up with for their version.

Facebook/Twitter cluster in a block would be nice, too.  These are all things I am doing myself but they're all customized instances.  I thought it would enhance the 'portal' itself and really modernize SMF.

On my gaming clan-site: I have a wordpress front page layout with a link to a SP powered SMF, this is so I can PODcast with some other plugins available with WP, but considering doing alot of heavy custom coding again in SP

This sounds similar to what the folks over at Dream Portal are up to.


--- Quote from: ccbtimewiz on November 22, 2010, 11:31:00 PM ---This sounds similar to what the folks over at Dream Portal are up to.

--- End quote ---

Well if they are, I don't see anything related to it on their site.  I mean I 'can' do it myself with HTML/BBC blocks but think it would be great for everyone to have without the advanced HTML skills.

As you said, you con do it yourself in html, I don't think it's an option to integrate, then all portals will look similar
I dit it for my portal in html:

Ye a Jquery content slider would be nice :)


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