Development > Feature Requests

SMF Articles Integration

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The developers will decide which blocks/features are going to be added to SimplePortal. While a customizer might make a block for that mod, it may not actually get included in the main package because it conflicts with the area that SimplePortal is moving into.

I am making a block for the SMF Articles Mod which has the same template as the normal SimplePortal articles, so they will appear the same. Whether or not that is included in the next version of SP remains to be seen.

Also, even if there is a block added for the SMF Articles Mod, it is very unlikely that it will be integrated any more into the SP Articles areas.

Thanks LHVWB, I guess I didn't appreciate the difference between a block and an integrated standard block within SP.

I'd like to switch to SP Articles but currently have over 200 complex SMF articles with links, images and loads of BBCode formatting. If I could find an easy way of just shifting them across it would make life a lot easier. Not a huge fan of SMF Articles but permission based content is a part of my site.

Just need to be patient I guess!

EDIT: Managed to find a way to select random articles - see


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