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[Block] Help with editing few lines on Simpleportal


As title says, i need a help to edit one line of code in php inside the source of simpleportal.

(It's nothing about copyright removal or anything like this).

I am interested to make the block looking like this:

instead of this

A help will be really appreciated it's needed for the community, if you are willing to help me, can you tell me inside what function do i need to edit and what folder in /Sources

It's in ./Themes/default/PortalArticles.template.php

In the template_articles_curve() function.

Go to the Default theme folder and find the PortalArticles.template.php file... Just passed this line "function template_articles_curve()" you'll see what to edit.


--- Code: --- <div class="middletext">', $article['message']['time'], ' ', $txt['by'], ' ', $article['poster']['link'], '<br />', $txt['sp-articlesViews'], ': ', $article['topic']['views'], ' | ', $txt['sp-articlesComments'], ': ', $article['topic']['replies'], '</div>';
--- End code ---

Replace with:

--- Code: --- <div class="middletext">', $txt['by'], '&nbsp;', $article['poster']['link'], '  in&nbsp;', $article['board']['link'], '  ', $article['message']['time'], '</div>';
--- End code ---


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