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Fifty Plus Forum

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--- Quote from: Brack1 on March 20, 2010, 11:56:56 PM ---Just had a look at the forum.

There are many better themes than the one you are using.

I use curvemavi on one of my forums.

I would open the rules to guests too.

Have you thought of a chatroom and gallery for the forum?

--- End quote ---
Sorry it's been a while getting back to you on this Brack,
I've looked at Curve Mavi and it seems too squared to replace the default curve theme.

The rules are there for when members join, they can get what they need from the signup agreement, the rules just expand on that.

We have a Gallery but not a chat room, the members don't want it.

Thanks for the feedback.
We're now on 2.0 RC3 and the latest SP which I have learned to fine tune within the site so it's really being used. The best add-on to SMF I believe.


i would also say you have a long way to go to make the site perfect..!!

standard theme = you could change it to something appropriate

pagelinks = not highlighting the correct tab

links at the bottom of main page = don't show anywere else

a log-In block on the left = you have have also a log-In in the navbar

and as a couple of others have mentioned, the site is not open for guests, so your not really looking for new members??
your site is running SMF 2 so there is the option to open it for guests and the guests could post after approval.

very nice, good

♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦:
I had already seen this one. Ex smf team, deserves a bump for being beautiful and extremely active.


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