404 error for the images at
I also took a wild guess at /forum/images ... but nothing there either.
So the images are not where you are directing the html to get them?
Also make sure you are using the SPortal html block (not another type). You could use a BBCode block with that syntax as an alternative.
Lots of online advice for displaying html and bbcode images - google search will bring it up.
Just in case there is an issue with the syntax you have already (I havent checked it), I would start with the most basic html tag for displaying the image - see if that works. If ok, then try the extra styles.
And this looks very dodgy....
Looks like you are tying to link to something on your pc. Unless you are running the server from it!??? And I guess that might not work anyway.
An simple example from my site (linked below):
<a href="http://paddington-school.com"><img src="http://outdoorclubjapan.com/site_images/speciallinks/ichikawa_eikaiwa.png"/></a>
I tested this using my images and url and it works. So probably you do not have the images in the folders on there server.
<a href="http://www.eastbourneherald.co.uk/"><img style="border: 0px solid ; width: 160px; height: 37px;" alt="" src="images/heraldlogo.png">
Seems he was using . png for some links when the files were actually .jpg.
As it looks solved I will mark it so. Uhm, cant mark it solved, I guess this really belongs in support.