Hey guys,
like the title says, I want to know if it's possible to seperate the classes for the "bbc_img"?
For ervery news we are planning use a custom banner like picture. But to get it to work like we want to, we need two seperate styles (css). One for the picture seen in the portal and one for the post in the forum. Is this even possible? Because bbc_img is for every picture posted in the forum... so actually we need three seperate styles :/
Edit: Nah! ... Just need two. I just need to change the style for the portal page.
Anyone know something about this?
Thanks in advance
Ok... just found a solution i was looking for a few days right now just minutes ago -.-
For every one who's interested, short and simple: I just added a new img-tag with a new class in the subs.php. Problem solved!
This is the normal code for the image tag (Subs.php)
'tag' => 'img',
'type' => 'unparsed_content',
'content' => '<img src="$1" alt="" class="bbc_img" />',
'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));
if (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
$data = \'http://\' . $data;
'disabled_content' => '($1)',
I just copy & paste this, renamed the tag from "img" to "img_news" and the class from "bbc_img" to "bbc_img_portal". The only thing to mention is that you need to care that the tag is really the new one if you post the news. Maybe now you can add a new button to the bbc buttons that paste the new tag (and maybe is only visible to members who have permission to post news?)
Of course the picture will have the other style in the forum also... but for our needs this is working just fine
Whatever. Quite easy and simple... :/
Thanks anyways