Good Morning everybody,
since the german corner is somewhat dead atm, I'm asking here (and I hope this is the right category ;) ). I searched for the answer already, but found nothing conclusive.
Is there a way to publish Articles in SP from only one source/board?
I'm testing SMF 2.0 RC2 with SP and the button "add as article" in the whole Testforum is okay, but I'd like to change that in the public forum. User's should only be allowed to add articles from one boardthen, not from everywhere.
Thanks for any replies.
Moved to the custom coding board.
Try the edits below.
$context['can_make_article'] && !empty($modSettings['articleactive'])
$context['can_make_article'] && !empty($modSettings['articleactive']) && $context['current_board'] == 23
!allowedTo('sp_add_article') && !allowedTo('sp_moderate')
!(allowedTo('sp_add_article') && $context['current_board'] == 23) && !allowedTo('sp_moderate')