
Customization => Blocks and Modifications => Block Requests => Topic started by: zerovirus on March 16, 2010, 08:33:12 AM

Title: Info center block
Post by: zerovirus on March 16, 2010, 08:33:12 AM
how to put info center (boardindex.template.php) to portalblock = php block... ??


version 1.1.11
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: zerovirus on March 16, 2010, 08:51:57 AM
example : this code -- > php block

Code: [Select]
global $context, $settings, $options, $modSettings, $scripturl, $txt, $user_info, $event, $member, $stats,  $post, $item, $member_info;

  // Here's where the "Info Center" starts...
echo '<br />
<div class="tborder" ', $context['browser']['needs_size_fix'] && !$context['browser']['is_ie6'] ? 'style="width: 100%;"' : '', '>
<div class="catbg" style="padding: 6px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; ">
<a href="#" onclick="shrinkHeaderIC(!current_header_ic); return false;"><img id="upshrink_ic" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', empty($options['collapse_header_ic']) ? 'collapse.gif' : 'expand.gif', '" alt="*" title="', $txt['upshrink_description'], '" style="margin-right: 2ex;" align="right" /></a>
', $txt[685], '
<div id="upshrinkHeaderIC"', empty($options['collapse_header_ic']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="bordercolor">';

// This is the "Recent Posts" bar.
if (!empty($settings['number_recent_posts']))
echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt[214], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=recent"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/post/xx.gif" alt="', $txt[214], '" /></a>
<td class="windowbg2">';

// Only show one post.
if ($settings['number_recent_posts'] == 1)
// latest_post has link, href, time, subject, short_subject (shortened with...), and topic. (its id.)
echo '
<b><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=recent">', $txt[214], '</a></b>
<div class="smalltext">
', $txt[234], ' "', $context['latest_post']['link'], '" ', $txt[235], ' (', $context['latest_post']['time'], ')<br />
// Show lots of posts.
elseif (!empty($context['latest_posts']))
echo '
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">';

/* Each post in latest_posts has:
board (with an id, name, and link.), topic (the topic's id.), poster (with id, name, and link.),
subject, short_subject (shortened with...), time, link, and href. */
foreach ($context['latest_posts'] as $post)
echo '
<td class="middletext" valign="top"><b>', $post['link'], '</b> ', $txt[525], ' ', $post['poster']['link'], ' (', $post['board']['link'], ')</td>
<td class="middletext" align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">', $post['time'], '</td>
echo '
echo '

// Show information about events, birthdays, and holidays on the calendar.
if ($context['show_calendar'])
echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $context['calendar_only_today'] ? $txt['calendar47b'] : $txt['calendar47'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/calendar.gif" alt="', $txt['calendar24'], '" /></a>
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">
<span class="smalltext">';

// Holidays like "Christmas", "Chanukah", and "We Love [Unknown] Day" :P.
if (!empty($context['calendar_holidays']))
echo '
<span style="color: #', $modSettings['cal_holidaycolor'], ';">', $txt['calendar5'], ' ', implode(', ', $context['calendar_holidays']), '</span><br />';

// People's birthdays. Like mine. And yours, I guess. Kidding.
if (!empty($context['calendar_birthdays']))
echo '
<span style="color: #', $modSettings['cal_bdaycolor'], ';">', $context['calendar_only_today'] ? $txt['calendar3'] : $txt['calendar3b'], '</span> ';
/* Each member in calendar_birthdays has:
id, name (person), age (if they have one set?), is_last. (last in list?), and is_today (birthday is today?) */
foreach ($context['calendar_birthdays'] as $member)
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $member['id'], '">', $member['is_today'] ? '<b>' : '', $member['name'], $member['is_today'] ? '</b>' : '', isset($member['age']) ? ' (' . $member['age'] . ')' : '', '</a>', $member['is_last'] ? '<br />' : ', ';
// Events like community get-togethers.
if (!empty($context['calendar_events']))
echo '
<span style="color: #', $modSettings['cal_eventcolor'], ';">', $context['calendar_only_today'] ? $txt['calendar4'] : $txt['calendar4b'], '</span> ';
/* Each event in calendar_events should have:
title, href, is_last, can_edit (are they allowed?), modify_href, and is_today. */
foreach ($context['calendar_events'] as $event)
echo '
', $event['can_edit'] ? '<a href="' . $event['modify_href'] . '" style="color: #FF0000;">*</a> ' : '', $event['href'] == '' ? '' : '<a href="' . $event['href'] . '">', $event['is_today'] ? '<b>' . $event['title'] . '</b>' : $event['title'], $event['href'] == '' ? '' : '</a>', $event['is_last'] ? '<br />' : ', ';

// Show a little help text to help them along ;).
if ($context['calendar_can_edit'])
echo '
(<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=calendar_how_edit" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);">', $txt['calendar_how_edit'], '</a>)';
echo '

// Show YaBB SP1 style information...
if ($settings['show_sp1_info'])
echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt[645], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=stats"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/info.gif" alt="', $txt[645], '" /></a>
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">
<span class="middletext">
', $context['common_stats']['total_posts'], ' ', $txt[95], ' ', $txt['smf88'], ' ', $context['common_stats']['total_topics'], ' ', $txt[64], ' ', $txt[525], ' ', $context['common_stats']['total_members'], ' ', $txt[19], '. ', $txt[656], ': <b> ', $context['common_stats']['latest_member']['link'], '</b>
<br /> ' . $txt[659] . ': <b>"' . $context['latest_post']['link'] . '"</b>  ( ' . $context['latest_post']['time'] . ' )<br />
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=recent">', $txt[234], '</a>', $context['show_stats'] ? '<br />
<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=stats">' . $txt['smf223'] . '</a>' : '', '

// "Users online" - in order of activity.
echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt[158], '</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">' : '', '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/online.gif" alt="', $txt[158], '" />', $context['show_who'] ? '</a>' : '', '
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">';
if (!(empty($modSettings['ghost_total_members'])))
echo '
', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">' : '', $context['num_guests'], ' ', $context['num_guests'] == 1 ? $txt['guest'] : $txt['guests'], ', ', $ghostmember = ($context['num_guests'] + $modSettings['ghost_total_members']), ' ', $context['num_users_online'] == 1 ? $txt['user'] : $txt['users'], ' ';
echo '
', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">' : '', (empty($context['spiders']) ? '' : $context['num_spiders'] . ' ' . ($context['num_spiders'] == 1 ? $txt['ob_googlebot_spider'] : $txt['ob_googlebot_spiders']) . ', '), $context['num_guests'], ' ', $context['num_guests'] == 1 ? $txt['guest'] : $txt['guests'], ', ' . $context['num_users_online'], ' ', $context['num_users_online'] == 1 ? $txt['user'] : $txt['users'];

// Handle hidden users and buddies.
if (!empty($context['num_users_hidden']) || ($context['show_buddies'] && !empty($context['show_buddies'])))
echo ' (';

// Show the number of buddies online?
if ($context['show_buddies'])
echo $context['num_buddies'], ' ', $context['num_buddies'] == 1 ? $txt['buddy'] : $txt['buddies'];

// How about hidden users?
if (!empty($context['num_users_hidden']))
echo $context['show_buddies'] ? ', ' : '', $context['num_users_hidden'] . ' ' . $txt['hidden'];

echo ')';

echo $context['show_who'] ? '</a>' : '', '
<div class="smalltext">';

// Assuming there ARE users online... each user in users_online has an id, username, name, group, href, and link.
if (!empty($context['users_online']))
echo '
', $txt[140], ':<br />', implode(', ', $context['list_users_online']);

// Begin Ghost Members
if (!empty($modSettings['allow_ghost']))

if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_1']))
echo ', <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_1'], '">', $modSettings['ghost_mem_1'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_2']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_2'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_2'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_3']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_3'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_3'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_4']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_4'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_4'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_5']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_5'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_5'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_6']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_6'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_6'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_7']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_7'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_7'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_8']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_8'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_8'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_9']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_9'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_9'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_10']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_10'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_10'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_11']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_11'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_11'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_12']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_12'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_12'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_13']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_13'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_13'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_14']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_14'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_14'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_15']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_15'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_15'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_16']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_16'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_16'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_17']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_17'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_17'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_18']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_18'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_18'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_19']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_19'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_19'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_20']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_20'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_20'], '</a>';
// End Ghost Members

if (!empty($context['spiders']))
if ($modSettings['ob_googlebot_display_own_list'])
echo '
<br />
', $txt['ob_googlebot_spiders_last_active'], ':<br />';
if (empty($context['users_online']))
echo '
', $txt[140], ':<br />';
echo ', ';

echo implode(', ', $context['spiders']);

echo '
<br />
', $context['show_stats'] && !$settings['show_sp1_info'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=stats">' . $txt['smf223'] . '</a>' : '', '
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">
<span class="middletext">
', $txt['most_online_today'], ': <b>', $modSettings['mostOnlineToday'], '</b>.
', $txt['most_online_ever'], ': ', $modSettings['mostOnline'], ' (' , timeformat($modSettings['mostDate']), ')

// Users online today

echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt['uot_users_online_today'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/online.gif" alt="', $txt['uot_users_online_today'], '" border="0" />
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">';

echo '
<div class="smalltext">';

  echo $txt['uot_total'], ': <b>', $context['num_users_online_today'], '</b>';
  if (!$context['user']['is_guest'])
  echo ' (', $txt['uot_visible'], ': ', ($context['num_users_online_today'] - $context['num_hidden_users_online_today']), ', ', $txt['uot_hidden'], ': ', $context['num_hidden_users_online_today'], ')';

// Assuming there ARE users online... each user in users_online has an id, username, name, group, href, and link.
if (!empty($context['users_online_today']) && !$context['user']['is_guest'])
echo '<br />', implode(', ', $context['list_users_online_today']);

echo '
<br />', $context['show_stats'] && !$settings['show_sp1_info'] ? '
<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=stats">' . $txt['smf223'] . '</a>' : '', '

// If they are logged in, but SP1 style information is off... show a personal message bar.
if ($context['user']['is_logged'] && !$settings['show_sp1_info'])
echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt[159], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
', $context['allow_pm'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=pm">' : '', '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/message_sm.gif" alt="', $txt[159], '" />', $context['allow_pm'] ? '</a>' : '', '
<td class="windowbg2" valign="top">
<b><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=pm">', $txt[159], '</a></b>
<div class="smalltext">
', $txt[660], ' ', $context['user']['messages'], ' ', $context['user']['messages'] == 1 ? $txt[471] : $txt[153], '.... ', $txt[661], ' <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=pm">', $txt[662], '</a> ', $txt[663], '

// Show the login bar. (it's only true if they are logged out anyway.)
if ($context['show_login_bar'])
echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt[34], ' <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=reminder" class="smalltext">(' . $txt[315] . ')</a></td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" align="center">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=login"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/login.gif" alt="', $txt[34], '" /></a>
<td class="windowbg2" valign="middle">
<form action="', $scripturl, '?action=login2" method="post" accept-charset="', $context['character_set'], '" style="margin: 0;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="100%"><tr>
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<label for="user"><b>', $txt[35], ':</b><br />
<input type="text" name="user" id="user" size="15" /></label>
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<label for="passwrd"><b>', $txt[36], ':</b><br />
<input type="password" name="passwrd" id="passwrd" size="15" /></label>
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<label for="cookielength"><b>', $txt[497], ':</b><br />
<input type="text" name="cookielength" id="cookielength" size="4" maxlength="4" value="', $modSettings['cookieTime'], '" /></label>
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<label for="cookieneverexp"><b>', $txt[508], ':</b><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="cookieneverexp" id="cookieneverexp" checked="checked" class="check" /></label>
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<label for="show_online"><b>', $txt['show_online'], '</b><br />
<input type="hidden" name="show_online" /><input type="checkbox" name="show_online" id="show_online"', isset($_POST['show_online']) && empty($_POST['show_online']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"', ' class="check" /></label>
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<input type="submit" value="', $txt[34], '" />

echo '
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: ccbtimewiz on March 16, 2010, 06:31:15 PM
What's with the ghost member mumbo-jumbo?
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: zerovirus on March 17, 2010, 12:15:36 AM
What's with the ghost member mumbo-jumbo?

ghost member is mods ... hehe ...

Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: ccbtimewiz on March 17, 2010, 12:54:51 AM
Whoever wrote that is being wicked inefficient.

Code: [Select]
// Begin Ghost Members
if (!empty($modSettings['allow_ghost']))

if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_1']))
echo ', <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_1'], '">', $modSettings['ghost_mem_1'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_2']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_2'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_2'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_3']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_3'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_3'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_4']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_4'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_4'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_5']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_5'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_5'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_6']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_6'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_6'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_7']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_7'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_7'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_8']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_8'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_8'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_9']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_9'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_9'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_10']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_10'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_10'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_11']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_11'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_11'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_12']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_12'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_12'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_13']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_13'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_13'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_14']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_14'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_14'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_15']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_15'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_15'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_16']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_16'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_16'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_17']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_17'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_17'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_18']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_18'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_18'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_19']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_19'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_19'], '</a>';
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_20']))
echo ',<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_20'], '"> ', $modSettings['ghost_mem_20'], '</a>';
// End Ghost Members

Could be this:
Code: [Select]
// Begin Ghost Members
if (!empty($modSettings['allow_ghost']))

   for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++)
if (!empty($modSettings['ghost_mem_' . $i]))
echo ', <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['ghost_pro_' . $i], '">', $modSettings['ghost_mem_' . $i], '</a>';
// End Ghost Members

Saving about 35 something lines of code.
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: zerovirus on March 17, 2010, 03:02:28 AM
this code for ghost member ?

Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: zerovirus on March 17, 2010, 03:10:16 AM

this info center put in phpblock portal ... how ?

version : 1.1.11
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: Chen Zhen on March 19, 2010, 03:18:36 PM
this info center put in phpblock portal ... how ?

version : 1.1.11

Info Center - PHP Portal Block Code for SMF 1.1.1x (Many adjustments can be set at the top of the block.):

CLICK HERE (,1108.0.html)

... You'll have to use the link to my site for the code since this forum will not allow me to post it due to a max character limit for posts.


Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: zerovirus on March 21, 2010, 10:26:26 AM
this info center put in phpblock portal ... how ?

version : 1.1.11

Info Center - PHP Portal Block Code for SMF 1.1.1x (Many adjustments can be set at the top of the block.):

CLICK HERE (,1108.0.html)

... You'll have to use the link to my site for the code since this forum will not allow me to post it due to a max character limit for posts.


tqtq bro ... i like it hihi
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: Chen Zhen on March 21, 2010, 04:24:46 PM
tqtq bro ... i like it hihi

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Info center block
Post by: Chen Zhen on April 09, 2010, 10:50:47 AM
I put together an Info Center block for SMF 2.0 as well.

Again, I must post a link because this forums character limit for posts was exceeded.

SMF 2.0 Info Center
PHP Portal Block Code for use with Simple Portal

- CLICK HERE - (,1232.0.html)

If you want to display this on your forum page instead of the regular info center, you will need to omit or put remark tags around the appropriate code in your theme's BoardIndex.template.php.

I will be adding more rows to display users in arcade and chat (if these displays are opted) within a week (when I have some spare time) and I will update the thread when completed.


SimplePortal 2.3.8 © 2008-2024, SimplePortal