Hi Everybody,
A good friend referred me here and am glad he did. I am an owner of an SP and SMF forum/site. Forums, I can grasp to a point. SP is entirely alien but I do know I want to keep it and learn what I can.
I cannot claim to be a great graphic artist but I am pretty good. I have been doing digital and graphical art for almost 15 years.
Computer tech lingo is completely foreign to me. It's like a Brain Specialist explaining lil ol me his professional dialect of why I need such and such. I need the layman's terms only, otherwise I am lost before beginning. lol
I am eager to learn, sometimes I get it pretty quickly and sometimes it takes me a while to really understand.
I may ask many many questions and I may frustrate the vets here but my intention is all good and I understand the repeated questions of newbies can be oldish too.
I am trying to learn more about the tech stuff so I can build websites, Forum Themes, Blog Templates and etc,,,
and give away what is often given to me freely by folks like you.
I am 50 yrs old so be gentle. lol