We have a community set up with SMF 2.0.9 and SimplePortal 2.3.6.
SimplePortal is great! It gives just the right layout and functionality to our community site! There are two problems though...
First the persistent login function does not work. Does not matter if you you choose to be kept logged in for X minutes or forever, you get logged out after say 45-60 minutes. Hard to say without further testing. Nevertheless, the function does not work.
Second, after you get logged out and get back to the login page and log in, the path is show as hxxp://www.example.com/?action=forum. There is a index.php missing in there... I threw up a thread on the SMF forums since I thought the problems was there, and someone told me it should read hxxp://www.example.com/index.php?action=forum. Well, indeed it should
I have performed a fresh test installation on a different domain and started out with a clean SMF 2.0.9 installation. No problems at all. The exact same problem appear right after SimplePortal is installed...
So I gather the login and redirect issue is with SimplePortal
I love SimplePortal, it's great, it's just what we want and need, so how do I make it work?
\\Edit -> Live links for new members is disallowed