Customization > Custom Theme Tutorials

Passion by Crip (Outdated)


This tutorial is for the Passion theme by Crip.

Adding Custom Tabs
Open index.template.php located in your Themes/passion folder (if you already installed theme on your forum).


--- Code: ---   if ($context['current_action'] == 'search2')
      $current_action = 'search';
--- End code ---

After on the next line add:

--- Code: ---   if ($context['current_action'] == 'LINKNAME')
      $current_action = 'LINKNAME';
--- End code ---

Replace LINK NAME with the name of your link.

Then Find:

--- Code: ---echo '<ul id="menubox">
<li><a' , $current_action=='home' ? ' class="chosen"' : '' , ' href="', $scripturl, '">' , $txt[103] , '</a></li>';
--- End code ---

After it add:

--- Code: ---   echo '<li><a' , $current_action=='LINK ACTION' ? ' class="current"' : '' , ' href="', $scripturl, '?action=forum"><span>' , 'LINK NAME' , '</span></a></li>';
--- End code ---

Replace LINK NAME with the name of your link and LINK ACTION with the name of your action, for example 'forum'.

External URL
Or if you're going to be using a non-smf/external url you would use the following:

--- Code: ---   echo '<li><a href="URL"><span>URL NAME</span></a></li>'; 
--- End code ---

Replace URL with the url you'd like to link to, and URL NAME to what you'd like to name your url.

Tab Link in a New Window
If you'd like the link to open in a new window you would add:

--- Code: ---target="new"
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---target="_blank"
--- End code ---

like so:

--- Code: ---   echo '<li><a href="URL" target="new"><span>URL NAME</span></a></li>'; 
--- End code ---

Thanks gamerxgirl! Maybe you can make it SimplePortal specific, to make it more easier.

Thanks for making this tutorial gamerxgirl. :)

Below are some more specific instructions for this theme, if anyone needs more specific instructions.

Search for

--- Code: ---   echo '<li><a' , $current_action=='help' ? ' class="chosen"' : '' , ' href="', $scripturl, '?action=help">' , $txt[119] , '</a></li>';

--- End code ---

Replace with

--- Code: --- if(!empty($context['portalactive']))
   echo '<li><a' , $current_action=='forum' ? ' class="chosen"' : '' , ' href="', $scripturl, '?action=forum">' , $txt['sp-forum'] , '</a></li>';
  echo '<li><a' , $current_action=='help' ? ' class="chosen"' : '' , ' href="', $scripturl, '?action=help">' , $txt[119] , '</a></li>';
--- End code ---

Search for

--- Code: ---$current_action = 'search';
--- End code ---

Replace with

--- Code: ---$current_action = 'search';
   if ((isset($_GET['board']) || isset($_GET['topic']) || in_array($context['current_action'], array('unread', 'unreadreplies'))) && !empty($context['portalactive']))
      $current_action = 'forum';
   if ($context['current_action']=='spadmin')
      $current_action = 'admin';
--- End code ---

Search for

--- Code: ---, 'login', 'help', 'pm'
--- End code ---

Replace with

--- Code: ---, 'login', 'help', 'pm', 'forum', 'spadmin'
--- End code ---

Moved to the 'Custom Theme Tutorials' board.


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