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Topics from Private Boards

Started by Grammy, June 21, 2016, 10:32:37 PM

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Of course, I'm back...   :-[

I was wondering if there's a setting or perhaps a file edit that will keep topics made on private boards from appearing on the portal in the "Recent Topics" block?

I have SMF 2.0.11, default and SP 2.3.6.


♦ Ninja ZX-10RR ♦

I think they appear only if you have the permission to see them, if I'm not mistaken.
Have you tried SimplePortal Documentation before asking? ;)
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The SP recent topics/posts blocks are using the SSI equivalent functions to retrieve the data.
These functions comply with the permission rules set for each group, so if anyone doesn't have permissions to see a topic, they will not see it.

So, I guess we could reword your question to: can a block show topics only from certain boards?
If so, then the answer is straight in the page where you set the blocks options: there is a list of all the boards of your forum and you can pick the boards that can appear in a certain block.

That said, yes, there is no option by default to exclude specific boards and keep all the others, mainly because (well, I have no idea why it was originally implemented that way, but I can guess why I would have implemented it that way) an "inclusive" setting gives a more consistent result, in the sense that if you add a new board with an inclusive setting, you are sure the block will not show the board unless you "force" it to, but if you have an "exclusive" setting, then adding a new board will change what the block will show (because the board is not excluded by default).
So: exclusive == more inconsistent, inclusive == more predictable.

If you want it the other way around, it's not that much changes.


Aha!  I didn't even stop to consider that I was probably the only one seeing the private board on recent topics.  (Whew!  What a relief!)

Well, I kicked the tires on every portal available for SMF, and SimplePortal is definitely the nicest.  I'm able to give users live breaking news feeds, stream movies, etc., all within the confines of the forum, by creating new pages and adding tabs to the menu.  VERY nice! 

Thanks, guys!   :)