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Recent articles block - with pagination

Started by MarkoKg, June 22, 2016, 03:25:52 PM

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Hello there,

Is there a way to show a block with recent posts or topics on forum with pagination, for example 15 items on each page, and for example 5 pages? I'd like to do that as I'd like to use portal as an index page and completely remove classic board index with list of all boards etc.


EDIT: I modified topic name as I find it more suitable to use articles block for this.
I added an article block with 60 latest articles to be shown, but I'd like it to have pagination after that 60 number is passed.

(Ninja - fixed typo in title, it can be useful to have it perfect so that other users can find the topic more easily)



IIRC you can show the topics of a board with pagination.
The recent... not that I remember.
Of course it can be done somehow changing some code (that I don't have handy at the moment).


I changed former request/question and modified my first message:

EDIT: I modified topic name as I find it more suitable to use articles block for this.
I added an article block with 60 latest articles to be shown, but I'd like it to have pagination after that 60 number is passed.

Any suggestions regards this, it would really be cool to have something like that.