Customization > Themes and Graphics

Portal Left/Right Collapse Buttons Align To Left


Ian M:
Please could someone point me in the direction where the code is for the alignment of the portal collapse buttons.

I'd like to align them to the left hand side rather than their current position on the right hand side, but I can't locate the code !!

Thanks in advance.

I havent tried the following idea - just a guess about where to start. And maye there are topics about it if you have not searched the forum or looked with google.

It should be in one of the portal template files - I think this one but could be somewhere else:


Search the file using a text editor and 'collapse' -you will find instances of it for the side columns and later on for blocks. I found one that looks likely and uses float right. You will have to adjust that output so it comes before the block title output.

Good luck! Well, until the other guys (who know more) comment.

Ian M:
Found it Andy thank you. Just needed a pointer where to look and it was indeed in the portal template files.

With only using the left hand blocks it makes sense to shift the collapse button over to that side.

Many thanks.


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