Support > English Support

Blocks not appearing in Forum, only on 'Front Page' in SMF



I have a new install of SMF 2.0.15 and installed SF 2.3.7 as I have used earlier SF editions before, and like it.

In the config I have set the General Settings > Portal Mode to Front Page (dropdown).
In the config I have set the Block Settings > Display Blocks in Forum (checked).

But they do not display in the Forum, only on the Front Page, and my error log is spotless clean.

If it helps, PHP is v7.1.14
The only other add-ons I have also installed flawlessly.

Can anyone assist please?!



Chen Zhen:
If you have "show blocks on" adjusted to "forum" it should be working as you describe.
I just tested this and it seems to be working without issue therefore at the moment I can not duplicate your problem.

However, you can attempt the following:

In your block settings check mark "Advanced Options", toggle the "+" beside "Select Actions" and then check-mark "Forum".
Save the block after that & see if it behaves as you describe.


Sometimes my stupidity astonishes even me  ;D

Edited the Blocks I need to 'Portal'; then in Advanced > Custom to "all". 

Then in Config > General > checked the areas I did not need them.

Dirty fix perhaps, but it works.

Thanks a million.



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