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Lets Chat Love - Relationship Forum & Relationship Advice




Lets Chat Love is a friendly, mature love relationship forum dedicated to discussing all things relating to and about love, relationships, dating, marriage & more.

We currently have the following board open:

* Relationship Advice For Men
* Relationship Advice For Women
* Long Distance Relationship Advice
* Relationship Breakup Advice
* Ask A Relationship Question
The forum was built to help people overcome their relationship problems, worries and concerns, it's a forum that's targeting every age group, ethnicity and gender.

It's been created with SMF (of course) and I have put a fair bit of effort into customising it's elements, writing content and to ensure that it's correctly optimised.

Any questions, just ask, and you're more than welcome to sign up. It's a community that's growing relatively quickly.

I plan on creating a blog, however, I haven't figured how to do this on SMF yet.



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