Development > Applied Requests

Div (Blocks/Module) Postitions ReDesign


The Div positions are suppose to be like these intead of making top and bottom in the middle :|

Please consider some changes according to this design and add/edit required rows/columns from tables.

And please consider these changes before releasing SimplePortal 2.1.

i quite couldn't get why it should be in that way? current way is how it should be with 4 positions as you have the static "articles" are in the middle. though two more positions could be added as "top" and "bottom" but "center-top" and "center-bottom" should be kept as they are now imo. i'm sure they will be needed more if some improvements will be made to articles.

Its called as a stack. The middle position is a complete stack and by having top and bottom IN the middle position is completely out of definition.

Well, people rarely need very top-bottom blocks from what I see. But I hope those block positions to also be added in next major release.

Those two positions are now available in 2.3.4.


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