Customization > Blocks and Modifications

Category Listing v1.0

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Category Listing
Category Listing is a very simple block. This will show a block with all categories and will link to them. If no categories are available, it will say that. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Installing is very simple. Just create a new PHP code block and use this code:

--- Code: ---/**
Category Listing modification by Dr. Deejay
Module created for SimplePortal
Version 1.0.1

global $smcFunc, $settings;

// Meh, we need a list!
echo '<ul class="sp_list">';

// Retrieve the categories form the database
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', 'SELECT *
    FROM {db_prefix}categories
ORDER BY cat_order ASC', array());

// If we don't have anything do show, just say we haven't
if($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($result) == 0)
echo '
<li>No categories found</li>';

// Show them!
while($category = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
// A simple echo...
echo '
<li>' . sp_embed_image('dot') . ' <a href="#c'.$category['id_cat'].'" class="smalltext">'.$category['name'].'</a></li>';

echo '</ul>';
--- End code ---

Dr. Deejay

Ok I know that I've promised to work on something else, but I've released 1.0.1 that uses sp_embed_image instead of html.

Thanks for this mod, but i have this error when try to applt modify: Database error in block code. Please check the code.

Ok i solved with this:

but now i have another problem when click on category, nothing happens

Glad to hear you solved your problem. :)

--- Quote from: iobit on February 08, 2013, 04:21:25 PM ---but now i have another problem when click on category, nothing happens

--- End quote ---
It only works on the boardindex (where the categories and boards are).

The code is really simple, though. It assumes all categories are public. I should rewrite this some day lol.


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